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Writer's pictureLauren Goodman

Tips for writing your grooms speech

Tips for Writing a Grooms Speech | Wedding Planning Tip

Quite a daunting process isn't it! Having to write a speech and then put it across in front of the most important people in your life. You can end up feeling quite pressured to make sure it's spot on, doesn't offend anyone, covers everything and nobody is forgotten.

Well it doesn't need to be daunting! We've put together a list of helpful tips for you to include in your grooms speech to really hit the mark! So make sure you allow time in your wedding planning to go over these notes and relieve yourself of that pressure!

Grooms Speech | Wedding Planing | Wedding Blog

Tips for writing a grooms speech

1. Thank everyone for coming to celebrate your marriage today. especially those who have travelled far and wide or any elderly that have made it.

2. Thank your new father in law and new wife's family for accepting you into their family- make a joke or tell a story about when you first met them.

3. Thank your family for their love and support, particularly through the planning process. Perhaps throw in a childhood anecdote.

4. Thank the bridesmaids for their role today and in the lead up to the wedding. Say how lovely they look and give a toast.

5. Thanks your ushers for their role and your best man- perhaps say a clean joke about your best man or his upcoming speech (don't spend longer here, than on the bride)

6. Thank anyone else involved in the planning process (keep this fairly short)

- Friends/family members that have helped

- If anyone has made anything for the day

- Any suppliers that you feel deserve a mention

7. Thank your new wife, for her love and support. Exclaim how beautiful she looks. Tell a story that evokes warmth and a little humour. Give a toast to your new wife.

8. Talk about your future and this new chapter.

9. Thank everybody again and hand over to your best man

10. Remember this is an opportunity to celebrate your love and not a 10 minute stand up act.

11. Stick to 10 minutes.

Lauren x

Photo credits to : Mindy Coe, Sophie Duckworth, Juliet McKee and James Davidson

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